Tudi sama sem izbrala 5 blogov, ki se mi zdijo nekaj posebnega, prepričana sem pa tudi, da so njihovi ustvarjalci še bolj posebni:)

Tukaj so pravila:
1. Izbirate lahko med mlajšimi blogi, z manj kot 200 spremljevalci.
2. Objavite post o nagradi na svojem blogu.
3. Objavite povezave do blogov, ki jih želite nominirati in jim tako pomagate do večje prepoznavnosti.
4. Posredujte nagrado 5 blogom in jih o tem obvestite.
5. Ta pravila objavite v svojem postu.
In tukaj je 'mojih' 5:
- Aleksandra's finest handmade
- Sa crafters
- Piši. riši, strizi...
- Scrapblogging
Ana, hvala ti še enkrat!!:))
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Last week Ana surprised me with "Child's Shoe - Blog Award". This award is intended for younger blogs with less than 200 followers. I'm very honored to be the part of other nominated blogs, because they are really fantastic. You should definitely check them!!! Yesterday I finally chose 5 blogs that I thought they were something special and I'm sure the artists are even more:)

Here are the rules:
1. The blog has to be still in its "infancy" , less than 200 followers.
2. Report about the reward on your blog.
3. Link the blog of your nominator so he's getting more attention too.
4. Forward the award to another 5 bloggers and tell them about the nomination.
5. Insert these rules into your post.
And here are 'my' fantastic 5:
- Aleksandra's finest handmade
- Sa crafters
- Piši, riši, strizi...
- Scrapblogging
Thanks again Ana!:))
Lep dan! Moyca